YK AM 5784
One of the classic stories told around Tu B’shevat, the New Year for the Trees, is that of Honi the Circle Maker. One day, Honi was walking down the street
One of the classic stories told around Tu B’shevat, the New Year for the Trees, is that of Honi the Circle Maker. One day, Honi was walking down the street
A parable. Rabbi Shimon said: When God was about to create Adam, the first human being, the ministering angels split into two competing groups. Some said, “let him be created!”
“Blessed are we, on this sacred threshold of Rosh Hashanah, where time turns and creation is reborn. May we embrace the call to teshuvah, returning to our truest selves, with
In 2021, the Pew Research Center released its Jewish Americans study that explored the changing nature of Jewish identity in America. The study found that American Jews are overwhelmingly proud